Below you’ll find a detailed outline of our growth plan as relates to funding. This is an in-process document and may therefore contain incomplete information, placeholder data, or inaccurate data that will be corrected at a later time.

Funding acquired prior to the official website launch will be included in the $500K fundraising total, but will not be applied to milestones prior to $50K.

Pre-Launch ($0)

What Happened Before

JH Career & Education, 1979-2022; computer & production equipment; website; social media brand presence; keeping everything going from December 2021 until the formal launch of Musk For A Minute (Projected mid to late March 2022)


Foundation Steps

  • Secure FEIN, LLC, & DBAsConvert monthly bills to annual where possible for cost savingsStart adding tools from wanted list (e.g. Yoast SEO)Limited ad buys (AdSense/FB?)


Starting Up

  • Atty. & Acct. – $1k retain/advance
  • Start search for new facility
  • Separate business & personal banking & other financials


Our first major project: the foundation and execution of a nationwide push to prioritize information literacy – the understanding of how information can be manipulated against us, of our own biases, cleaning up the fog and misdirection around political rhetoric and labels and ideologies.

The long-term goal of that project will be to ensure the sustained fulfillment of the first basic access need, information literacy, to all Americans and ultimately the world, through the development of new and newly refined pedagogy that is carefully created to be understood to the greatest possible extent by the greatest possible number of people, then implementation as part of formal education from early childhood to advanced degrees as well as less formal and academic education initiatives aimed toward the general public outside of education systems.